
所属课程分类: 中小学教育 » 高中 (加入收藏)
上课地点: 北京理工大学 
报名截止日期: 2015/10/31
授课方式: 面授  |  班型: 全日制
课程评分: (我要点评)

课程价格: 0
咨询电话: 010-68912346



    4. 提供学生本人的学历证书、在校学习证明、上一年成绩单、以往获奖证书和汉语测试等级证书(如有)(复印件各1份,并附中文或英文译文)
      B、 护照首页、来华有效签证和居留证(复印件各1份)
    电话:(+86-10)68478437            传真:(+86-10)68481189
   Enrolment of Foreign Students

Enrolment of New Students:
        To satisfy the need of various foreign students, our enrolment plan is as follows:
      1. Chinese Training Courses:
               A. Beginning: Offered to the students who have not learned any Chinese or the students who have mastered less than 500 Chinese characters. The duration of study is six months. Form the first month to the third month,elementary China course woll be offered,and form the fourth month to the sixth month,the student will study intermediate courses.
               B. Intermediate: Offered to the students who have mastered more than 1000 Chinese characters and pass our Entrance Test of Chinese Language. The duration of study is 3—6 months.
      2. Regular Grade (join in the Chinese students'class): Offered to the students of both Junior High (year 7 to 9) and Senior High (year 10 to 11), who are proficient in Chinese and with high academic level at other curriculums. The objectives of training are the same as the enrolled local Chinese students.
Enrolment Conditions:
      1. Chinese Training Courses: Junior and senior high school students of 12-18 years of age who pass our school's interview, are eligible for enrolment. The student must have a legal guardian (parent) or a designated guardian (relative or friend of Beijing residence).
      2. Regular Grade: Students of grade/year 7 to 11 who pass our school's entrance tests (Chinese, English and math) and interview, are eligible for enrolment. The student must have a legal guardian (parent) or a designated guardian (relative or friend of Beijing residence).
Application and Requirements:
        The students eligible for Enrolment Conditions can either come to school for or down load from our website (www.lgfz.com.cn) the “Application Form” and “Guardian's Letter of Guarantee”. Application should be done in the following process:
      1. Fill out the Application Form in either Chinese or English and attach a recent photo of the applicant.
      2. Fill out the Guardian's Letter of Guarantee in either Chinese or English, which must be signed by the guardian.
      3. Letter of Recommendation from previous school (in either Chinese or English).
      4. Diploma of highest academic degree, previous school report, study records of the past year, as well as any certificate of rewarding and HSK (if any). (photocopy with Chinese or English translation)
      5. For students who are already studying in China, should also provide:
            A. Letter of Transfer from the current school (with the seal of school).
         B. Passport, valid visa and certificate of residence in China(photocopy)
      When all the above documents ready, they should be handed in at the International Section of BIT Middle School together with an application fee of 50US$.
      We warmly welcome you to our school for more detailed information.
School Address and Contacts
 Address: No. 11 zizhuyuan nan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China International Section of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology   
 Post Code: 100044       Tel./Fax: (+86-10)68478437\68481189


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